Triple certified resume strategist and designer empowering executives and professionals to lead meaningful careers. Featured in 20+ resume writing and career books.
Led by a desire to produce great work, my goal is to carry you up the ladder. Motivated and engaged in your success, I'm on hand to support your career goals.
As your New York resume writer, I will make sure all of the pieces of your resume come together. Your resume will be the complete package, from the wording to the layout.
I take my professional career just as seriously as you take yours. Throughout the years, I have garnered three job-related certifications to ensure I stay abreast of resume, interview, and job search strategies. As a sought after resume expert, the resumes I have written and designed have been featured in over twenty resume / cover letter 'how-to' and career advice books from top-notch publishers, including JIST Publications, Barron’s, McGraw-Hill, Simon and Schuster, and Adams Media Corporation. Complementing my certifications and featured works, notable news organizations such as the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, CBS News (among others), seek my advice for their publications. As a New York resume writer, I have the experience and credentials to bring out the best in you. Email your resume or click the link below for a quote.
Resume QuoteWhether in a brick and mortar store or through online outlets such as, you can find my books: How to Say It: Job Interviews and 201 Knockout Answers to Tough Interview Questions. The former was published by Penguin Publishing and the latter is also an audiobook and has been translated in Chinese. Joyce Lain Kennedy, a syndicated careers columnist whose work is distributed by Tribune Content Agency, wrote a review saying, "If you have a crucial interview coming up, here's my recommendation: Spend some quality time with Matias' 195-page book -- the best I've seen on the topic." The review appeared in 100+ newspapers and websites.
Resume QuoteExecutive & Professional Resumes Written by Linda Matias, Resume Writer, NYC
- Nationally Certified Resume Writer
- Certified Interview Coach
- Certified Job and Career Transition Coach
- President Emeritus, National Resume Writers' Association